5 tips by an International Abu Dhabi school for Montessori parenting at home

Most parents might seem intimidated when they think about how to instill Montessori values in their children inside a home environment. After all, it is a world-renowned curriculum and needs a professional training degree in order to be able to impart the same to children. But worry not, as there are some simple ways that are both effective and beneficial, which can enable parents to try the same at home.

A brief introduction to the Montessori curriculum

Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, and educator formulated the Montessori curriculum in the early 1900s to help children concentrate and learn through their own efforts in a highly independent environment. The idea was to foster curiosity, instill a deep love for learning, and encourage self-initiation to achieve independent learning outcomes. This program became a huge success and proved her philosophy, which stated that all children are capable of learning, provided they do so in the right environment and with the right tools. Then on, the curriculum has taken centre stage in the field of pre-school education around the world.

8  tips for parents by an Abu Dhabi school based on the guiding principles of the Montessori curriculum

1)    Respect:

A crucial aspect of the Montessori education framework, respect for children is one of the core principles of the curriculum. Therefore, as parents, we can begin our child’s education journey by showing them their due respect and treating them with due consideration. Some ways in which you can do this is by using a natural and soft tone while talking to them, avoiding baby talk, using kind words, and greeting them appropriately when necessary. Though this might seem unnecessary, it will have a deep impact on your child’s self-respect and also when they are treating others the same way by following your good example.

2) Encourage Independence:

As cuddly toddlers, it is often very tempting to spoon feed and pamper them in their daily activities. This is definitely not going to be useful in the long run. A three-year-old child is smart enough to put her plate in the sink or clean up after her activities. Help them inculcate this wonderful habit of being independent in their daily activities. This will give them the confidence that they can be responsible for the little things and that their effort counts for you as a parent.

3) Freedom:

There is this warped belief that children need constant attention and guidance in everything they do. The Montessori principle definitely defies this fact to state that children need responsibility and freedom and not attention. There are instances when they need your guidance however at most times, you should try and allow them to choose their activities so that they can pursue their imagination, creativity, and intuition with their own initiative.

4) Be a trustworthy parent:

Montessori teachers act as responsible guides who respect their students. They strive to create an environment of trust and accountability which in turn helps children shun their anxiety and concentrate on the more fun activities inside the classroom. You can start off by spending a little uninterrupted time with them, encouraging them to talk to you about their feelings, and being available when they need you the most. These are parental skills that we all follow, however, it is important to be consistent throughout and allow them to express their fears freely without being laughed at or ridiculed.

5) Gauge your child’s developments and observe their activities

When you visit a Montessori classroom, you often find that teachers spend the maximum amount of time observing the students and how they are able to understand the concepts of their activities. By observing, you may get insights on their strengths, weaknesses, and skills that they have obtained and a few other pointers which may help you in bridging their learning gap. You can even bring these insights to the teacher’s notice and ask her for guidance.

These are some simple yet effective practices that can be adopted by parents whose children attend a school or who wish to send their children to one. Irrespective of the program your toddler is following, all parents can adapt these good practices to be able to bring the right set of values to their home environment


Some of the best international Abu Dhabi school follow the Montessori curriculum due to the unique skill-sets it imparts to its young students. Considering that the Montessori curriculum was originally designed to help children with delayed development, it proves its worth as the best curriculum that is suitable for children with all kinds of learning needs.


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