Plagiarism: What Is It and How Do You Avoid It?

Plagiarism: What Is It and How Do You Avoid It?

You’ve spent countless hours working on that paper or presentation, and now it’s time to submit it. You’re experiencing excitement to see how well your work compares with others, but then you notice something: someone’s name is there as the author of some of the information in your document. You think nothing of it at first until someone else raises an issue about plagiarism. So what exactly is plagiarism? And how can you avoid being in accusation of plagiarising?

In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more—and show you where to find further information if necessary!

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Plagiarism is when you claim a work created by someone else as your own.

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which someone takes the ideas, words, or other intellectual property of another source and passes them off as their own.

In the world of academia, the term “plagiarism” has a different meaning than it does in other contexts. In academia, it refers to the act of taking someone else’s work without giving credit where credit is due. One can do this in many ways: through copying and pasting text from another source into one’s own paper, or by “stealing” an entire article from a website (or other online sources) and duplicating it word-for-word in another document.

In short: plagiarism is when you use someone else’s ideas without giving them proper credit.

You can be in accusation of plagiarism

Plagiarism is not a form of flattery, appreciation, or respect. It’s also not an excuse for you to copy-paste information into your own writing.

A lot of people have been guilty of plagiarising in school papers and papers for college courses, but it’s important to understand exactly what plagiarism means so that you don’t fall into this trap yourself—or worse!

You can be in accusation of copyright

Copyrights are legal terms that protect the rights of an author to control how their work can undergo usage. If you use someone else’s work without permission, or even if they assign those rights to someone else (such as a publisher), it’s considered copyright infringement and can lead to lawsuits. Even if you didn’t intend to steal the content, if someone finds out later and sues you for copyright infringement, they could win large judgments against you.

If there are issues with your use of another person’s copyrighted material, don’t assume that there won’t be consequences—especially not if it comes down on your head as part of an expensive legal battle over intellectual property rights!

Even if you completely rewrite information that is not your own, it can still be considered plagiarism.

You need to cite the original source of this information and also state that you have rewritten it. Even if you are rewriting content from a book or magazine article, make sure to acknowledge where you got the text from.

The best way to avoid plagiarism is by always citing sources for everything that appears on your page (including pictures). Once someone sees an image from another source on your site or blog post, they may attribute their ideas as their own because they see them as “borrowed” from somewhere else—and even though it may seem like an innocent mistake made by one person who just forgot about referencing his sources properly in his writing…

Most schools and universities consider the following acts to be plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s ideas and phrases, then passing them off as your own. It happens when people take someone else’s work and present it as their own. This can be done in many different ways, including:

  • Copying a work word for word.
  • Copying a work sentence for sentence (or even just copying half of one).
  • Copying a word paragraph for paragraph (or even just half of one).
  • Copying whole pages/chapters/books/websites without giving credit where credit is due (the name(s) of the author(s)/publisher(s), the title of book, date published, etc.).

If you compare two similar pieces of work and find that one of them has a similar part, then both works will be said to be plagiarised even if only one author did the actual copying.

The fact that both authors have written similar essays means that they are likely to share some common influences, which means it’s more likely that these influences would come from someone else’s work rather than an original thought by either author alone.

If a student fails to credit information taken from another source with an in-text citation and proper references in their paper, this is considered plagiarism. This includes in-class presentations.

Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s ideas or words and passing them off as your own. It includes copying from another source and not giving credit to the original author.

Copyright infringement is when someone steals copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner or publisher (and there are laws about this). When you use someone else’s words in your own work, you may get into trouble if they object to what you’ve done because they have ownership over their work.

The best way to avoid plagiarism is by using quotes instead of paraphrasing other people’s statements verbatim—you can always include a reference at the end of your paper if it helps illustrate points made throughout! If you find yourself accused but don’t know how exactly what happened was wrong, then ask questions like, “Did I quote enough?” Or “Was my citation correct?” Always go back over everything carefully before submitting anything, so no one has reason not to trust us again.”

Failure to properly cite

Plagiarism can also occur when you paraphrase material from another source. This includes in-class presentations and papers, as well as articles and books. When paraphrasing, it’s important to cite the source properly so that your audience knows where you got your information from.

The most common way people miss this is by using block quotes instead of citations:

  • If a passage comes from an academic article or book, use quotation marks around it (e.g., “1”).
  • If the passage comes from another website or blog post, put quotation marks around it but don’t cite them (e.g., “1”).

How to avoid plagiarism?

Don’t Copy.

Don’t copy someone else’s work. If you want to use someone else’s ideas, that’s fine—but don’t steal their entire article and claim it as your own. The same goes for copying their words: if they say something specific, don’t just take out a few sentences and put them in your own article without giving credit where credit is due.

If a paragraph is especially good, don’t use it in its original form; rewrite it.

If you find yourself reusing someone else’s words without permission and without understanding them, then you are likely plagiarising them. No one should tolerate plagiarism! It cheapens our academic community and undermines the integrity of the education system as a whole.

Also, remember that plagiarism is not just about peer-reviewed journals; even people who aren’t academics will do this if they feel like they can get away with it (and they often can). So don’t think twice about whether or not someone has something from you. Just ask yourself whether your work would benefit from being better by adding more detail or by changing some parts completely due to its poor structure or content (or both).

If you want to use someone else’s words, make sure you fully understand them and write them down in your own words.

If a passage of text is difficult or complicated, it can be easier to paraphrase rather than quote directly from the original source. This is especially true when using complex language that requires some degree of interpretation on your part. For example, if a writer picks an unfamiliar word in their writing (such as “theory”), then it may be better not to try and translate this into English immediately but rather give yourself time before attempting any analysis or explanation of what was the reason for their choice of wording.

You should also make sure that any quotes that are taken from other sources are attributed properly: do not simply write “quoted from [source]” at the top but instead list all relevant details such as author name(s), date published, etc., so readers know where exactly these quotes came from!

If you want to use someone else’s ideas, make sure you can provide examples of their work that show that they have explained the idea as well as you could.

It’s not enough to simply quote someone’s work. You need to show that you understand the idea as well as they do, so there must be evidence of your research and reasoning behind your conclusions. If you want to use someone else’s ideas, make sure you can provide examples of their work that show that they have explained the idea as well as you could.

If there are any doubts about whether something is plagiarism or not, always tell your professor!


In conclusion, plagiarism is not just a simple issue of copying someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. People consider it a crime in some situations. For example, if you plagiarise from an Internet source or from another student in class, you could face the consequences such as suspension or expulsion from school.


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